Interesting bit to watch. Gab head techies considering saying screw-it to Fediverse content.

That could improve the climate in the rest of the Fediverse, avoid nastiness by association like some instances suffer (not by supporting Gab, but simply by defending open network connection unless there's a reason for limiting or denying it)

a post by @isolategab

@freemo @arteteco @realcaseyrollins
QT: []


I can dig that - and maybe they will see the benefit of connections and move out ot the gab ship before it leaves port.

This could potentially benefit some of us who get aggravation by not blocking gab. Pretty pathetic, but a fact I deal with, my main account is not seen at some places I would care about. Sadly in some cases, while many others are irrelevant FediBlock powertrip cases.

@isolategab @freemo @arteteco @realcaseyrollins

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