
The makes me shake my head and remember why I watch livestreams for this coverage

Host: Who is the person leading the African Americans? In past years, we've had and , who do we have now?

: But Orange Man Bad

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@realcaseyrollins due I never watch MSM. They talk down to you so much. I'm watching it for the first time in weeks and .... they're covering like zero of this .. there is nothing on there that really covers what've heard about from police scanner feeds and social media posts

@djsumdog Same. That was the local news chanel, right now they're spending time talking about the weather. For like, five ten minutes, as if nothing is going on outside.

Dat humidity tho.

@realcaseyrollins @djsumdog But.. but.. we need to know the critical forecast for this weekend :laughing_cirno:

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