
True story, ADHD 

Wanna hear a funny -related story from today??


So today during dinner, Mom asked me to get two of the pizzas that had cooked out of the oven. I asked her where she wanted me to put it, and she said she wanted me to put it on the stove. So, I went to the oven and realized that I needed a hot pad to hold it with, so I grabbed a couple and went back to the oven. During the process, I forgot where she wanted the pizzas, and she said the stove. I open the oven, but then I begin debating with myself whether or not I should use one hand to lift it, or two. They look small. But they might be heavy. I end up deciding to use two. So, I bend over and lift one of the pizzas. As soon as my back straightens, I realize that I have forgotten where to put the pizzas. As soon as decide to ask Mom where to put them again, I remember that she wanted me to put them on the stove! So I proceed to put them on the stove.

I can be such an idiot sometimes 😝

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