@realcaseyrollins I've been thinking of using #HumanLivesMatter as an all-inclusive tag, but I can see the allure. Either one works, IMO.
@mikey @realcaseyrollins if you want to take part in AllLivesMatter or adjacent tags you can do it on a different instance, i dont care what opinions you do/dont have but i believe ALM is actively harmful and i dont want it here
@essie @realcaseyrollins I disagree, but your house, your rules. I'll start looking for a new home immediately.

Thank you for the past year.
@mikey @realcaseyrollins you’re welcome to stay and everything, im just not comfortable with ALM and how its often used to undermine BLM

if thats a dealbreaker for you i totally get it, good luck!
@essie @realcaseyrollins My personal moral code means I'm not comfortable with BLM *in opposition to* other races. I'd love to debate the matter, but not here.

I may keep this account for interacting with some parts of the fediverse, but I certainly won't be sharing any political opinions on LALL anymore. I don't want to be a burden on anyone.
@essie @mikey @realcaseyrollins why are you pushing your weight around on LALL all the sudden
@realcaseyrollins The euphemism treadmill won't stop there, besides the "it detracts from x issue" will be the reply anyway -- I wish the bla/sks kids can eventually move past being astroturf racebait every election cycle. These reruns are fucking boring.
@realcaseyrollins Remember, we say Peoplekind, not People. President Drama Teacher told us so.
@realcaseyrollins In reality no one is offended by this. Just a bunch of upper class soy drinkers crying about how low class people aren't impressed by their vritue signaling. If they really care about Black lives they can move their ass to the content of Africa and invest in the absolutely unstable regions there, where war is rampant and peace is a non-possibility.

But they want comfy activism, basically they want what we call slacktivism, which involves at best an avatar change and a hashtag, maybe argue with some people that don't agree with them.
@JTR21 @realcaseyrollins Was literally talking about africa and how there is no great black majority nation in the world and what could be done to change that earlier.
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