ADHD Bingo, 2020 update 

Decided to reupload an updated version of my bingo results since I recognized that I indeed do have trouble switching tasks (even though I can multitask, interruptions are extremely frustrating, to an illogical point).

re: ADHD Bingo, 2020 update 

@realcaseyrollins uhhhh do I have ADHD. I would mark all of these

re: ADHD Bingo, 2020 update 

@realcaseyrollins oh no I don't need another diagnosis 😭

re: ADHD Bingo, 2020 update 

@Ox @realcaseyrollins but how can you feel special if you don’t have any mental illnesses to list in your bio?

re: ADHD Bingo, 2020 update 

@VD15 @Ox @realcaseyrollins oh shit! I hadn't considered this! I need to get my ass diagnosed so i can get internet points too!

re: ADHD Bingo, 2020 update 

@Locksmith @Ox @VD15 LOL y'all don't gotta use it for internet points, I just use it to understand myself better and post the results so y'all can understand me better too

re: ADHD Bingo, 2020 update 

@realcaseyrollins @Ox @VD15 for the record, i don't think you use it for points nor would i.
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