I'm kinda impressed with these graphics. They seem to fluctuate between cinematic (like LITERALLY film quality) and photorealistic.

@realcaseyrollins and then came the furry game with the most bland art style

LOL that was mega cringe

I feel like it was designed for fans of that dark game about the depressed girl, what was it called?

@realcaseyrollins @Locksmith though looking through what i missed briefly, there's a few that at least seem to have a more promising art styles & concepts. like Stray and Destruction Allstars.
@milo @realcaseyrollins stray, yes, destruction allstars just looks bright and annoying to me
@realcaseyrollins @milo Like it doesn't look like it has any internal logic to the art style. its just bright colours and "This looks fun!" type design.
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