@Ox True; but forced pregnancies only happen in the case of rape, since the woman consents to the sex.
Saying that consenting to sex doesn't mean consenting to a pregnancy is akin to saying my consent to eat a Taki is apart from my consent to have a flaming butthole.
I mean, it's not like other duties aren't forced on parents; they are forced to feed their children, too.
@Ox This is largely generally fair. I didn't mean to compare having a hot bottom to birth by way of magnitude, but only in the realm of consent and risk. Sex kinda tends to lead to pregnancy sometimes, and that is a risk that one takes when having sex. As you rightly point out, non-abortive forms of birth control don't work 100%, which too is a risk one takes.
It's my personal belief that one doesn't have a moral obligation to be pro-life if you don't think a fetus is a human being, so I'd be fine to agree to disagree on that.