
If I could, I'd love to make some sort of company that supports content creation for a lot of these people who get deplatformed; a haven for the sane.

I'm envisioning something like but with good marketing and a blog for journalists and freelance writers

There needs to be a complete, wholistic, understandable infrastructure for the banned

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The big issue I see with a lot of alt tech is that it's like "ooh, go to this site and sign up for this; go to that site and download that" all with different branding, it gets confusion, there is no cohesion.

These systems are cool, but they will continue to be confusing until they become branded in a way that makes sense to normies

I like what I am seeing with btw, that could provide a true alternative to in the distant future

Maybe this is a pipe dream, and isn't a good idea to do. I certainly think that it could be not only fun, but beneficial to many.

I won't start actually acting on this plan until I can see proof of sustainability tho

@realcaseyrollins if QOTO had single sign-on, I think that'd really be all that's needed.

@khird I frankly think that needs to be a feature added to all properties, it would be wonderful

Then I could say "hey, sign up on our service and use the same sign in on all our platforms"! Or, I could say "sign up on one of our platforms USING another platform like "!

I feel like this would be ultimate freedom and create a viable alternative to "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with FaceBook"

@realcaseyrollins: would that be something akin to what OpenId meant to be?

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