
Hold up y'all people on the right are gonna blame people left and right about the , unnecessary lockdowns and such...but ain't the head honcho? He LITERALLY put the task force together. He hired Fauci, and refuses to fire him. deserves much blame for this.

@realcaseyrollins I mean he gets blame from me. Generally I don’t think he gets a whole lot because the media is so ridiculous with him that people on the right defend him by default.

@Locksmith I understand that. I understand that for awhile. Not everyone's gonna be perfect right off the bat. But this has been going on for far too long. Time for the orange man to act.

@realcaseyrollins which is my main criticism, it’s been time for him to act. He let fauci run the show for too long. It may sound terrible, but the pandemic at his level is not a medical issue, it’s an economic issue.

@realcaseyrollins @Locksmith Now let this sink in: all those grey people are untested. Imagine that green scaled up to encompass the grey. You have to scale the blue up the same amount, if not more. And the black.

@Locksmith @realcaseyrollins Some portion of the grey people are already infected today; they just haven’t been tested. That’s what I’m talking about. Not any increase in the percent infected. If you made the blue even bigger than that, then yeah we might start developing herd immunity, until the highly mutagenic virus mutates.

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