
Normal people going to do something:

* goes *

* does something *

People with going to do something:

* goes *

Who am I, and why am I here?

@realcaseyrollins You know maybe I should move this thing that way, you know I could get a glass of pepsi I feel like I’d do better, Ehhh I’m a little exhausted rn how about a 15 minutes nap…………………….tbc

@Meeper It sucks when you get distracted and then forget what you were going to do or actually happened on the podcast episode I did with @wjmaggos

@realcaseyrollins @wjmaggos Really the best thing for adhd is strong but prudent (not strict or overcompensating stressing yourself is stupid) discipline, basic restraint control and the ability for introspection and to say no when your conscience catches on self reasoning and all

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