@realcaseyrollins Back in the 2016 primary stages, when either Clinton or Sanders were expected to win the DNC primary, but the GOP primary was still up in the air, polling was being done in a hypothetical election with the two major DNC candidates vs. the various GOP candidates.

Against most of the candidates, Clinton lost. She was already unpopular even before the 2nd scandal about rigging the primaries. There was only one GOP candidate that Clinton consistently won against: Donald Trump.

It’s believed that behind the scenes the Clinton team was pushing the media to keep covering Trump, with the hopes that she would face him, the GOP candidate she fared best against, in the election. And she ended up losing anyways.

By the way, it’s worth noting that when sanders was put up against Trump in polling, Sanders crushed Trump.

My point here is that it’s likely that the only reason Trump became president in the first place is that he was up against an already-unpopular candidate who had two major election scandals break during her campaign.

I don’t see Trump having that same advantage in the 2020 cycle.

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