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Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted

It's not a guaranteed cure for depression. But let me tell you, it can't hurt! Try it (politics includes the 'rona)

Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted

When your project's logo was designed as a 3D model, you can actually do awesome things with it 😄

Shout-out to the amazingly talented @meowgorithm for creating this!

Saifer boosted

Was it just me or the instance was gone for a long time? :ablobcatsweatsip:

Saifer boosted

RetroPlug Syncs Gameboy Emulators With Your DAW for Chiptunes Overload - The Gameboy is one of the biggest platforms in the chiptune scene. While it’s possible to play a s... - #nintendogameboyhacks #musicalhacks #chiptunes #chiptune #gameboy #lsdj #mgb

Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted

Watch "Sony's Handheld PC from 2006" on YouTube

Gotta love old hardware... This kind of tech really needs a comeback.

Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.