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@baraposter Why are you so butthurt about this? It's literally just a joke.


I think I finally understand wjy I do hate the Academics so strongly.

It is because they completelly accepted the lie that a paper definition is a proper way of analyzing an issue.

AI is my favorite example.
Ask anyone. I mean ANYONE to make a proper definition of AI, and they will create a definition along the way of: "A program that recieves a problem and generates it's own solution".

Simple? Well, now let's look at AI definitions:
"Is intelligence demonstrated by machines" (Do they give AI an IQ test? No? Then this definition is useless)

"science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers"
(Simulating inteligent behavior can be done with state machines, but every single decision is pre-written. There is no transcendent value)

"the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior"
(Oh... my favorite one. Why human? Humans are emotional and stupid. The NPC meme exists for a reason)

Only an academic could mistake Goombas going from laft to right as an intelligent, not to mention an AI. Yet, I have heard many times from academics, that chatbots are AI. Chatbots... realy????

These people are special kind of stupid. A unique kind, that only gathers in universities for some reason.

Thanks for reading my rant.

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