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woof (Zoosadist) Arrested - Mad at the Internet

> subway entrance
> a guy with a big backpack walks in
> security guard asks him to put the backpack into an X-ray machine
> the guy ignores him and continues walking
> security guard starts screaming that if he won't put it to the X-ray machine he is caling the police
> the guy ignores him again and continues walking
> security guard returns to his normal spot and the guy boards a train with nobody following him

thanks moscow subway, now I am sure stopping me every time I have a laptop in my bag is necessary to protect me from evil terrorrists is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by a few people.

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Oh shit! It's happening! Big companies are starting to migrate to RISC-V. There's gonna be a fuck ton. Maybe one day we can finally leave x86 (which has been RISC internally for a while now) in the desktop market too.

Synaptics announces shift to RISC-V processors |

Partners with SiFive.

Binging with Babish 4 Million Subscriber Special: Death Sandwich from Regular Show

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.