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A great legal way to get you started.

When you're alone with a little baby or toddler, in a soft and caring voice, tell her what a little dumb cumdump she is.

Hold her in your arms, smile at her and rock her to sleep while softly telling her she was born to please pedocock and her sexual trauma will be necessary to please men.

If I have the daughter I hope I could convince the wife to name her something with the first letters D and W, so when the daughter and I go out and I call her DW, they think it is just her name shortened, but my daughter and I will know what it really means.
Dirty Whore.

i think i've hit that point where i've masturbated so much that it physically hurts now fml


@lekeem God that's hot 😍 Love the thought of dirty talking to her at the same time as everybody watches and films


@lekeem A perfect way to give her kid a taste of her mommy's used cunt after everyone one is finished 🤤


@Harlsey Open invite so please do 😋

Fantasy Absolutely agree! I'd be so proud and excited dropping my little one off at preschool

teacher stop please- g-gaahh! S-stop laughing- oooh- t-turn the camera oooffffaawwaaa! I c-can't stop cummiiiiing!

So in the mood to guzzle horse cum. I love horse cock so much

#pedo #baby #fantasy 

Sorry about this, but I broke the dry wall in the nursery. I tried to patch it up but you didn't have what I needed. I can come by next weekend and do it properly. This is awkward I know, but I'll fix it.

On the bright side, that changing table is sturdy as all fuck. I was balls deep in that babywhore no problem.

Sorry about about the wall.


fantasy, rape, preg, babycon 

I want to be raped while I'm pregnant and know my baby's being raped too. know that cock is forcing its tiny holes open. know that my baby is being forced to be a sex toy before it's even born

@lekeem It's awesome that it's still visible.
Soo Good 😋

A mother gives birth surrounded by eight men jerking off to her. They stroke their pedo cocks to the thought of witnessing a fresh new slut being born, a baby to groom and raise for nothing more than being a sex toy.

She pushes, that tiny head slowly poking out. The men get closer, stroking their dicks faster as they start to see the baby's face.

Congratulations, it's a girl! The mother barely has time to process as she's forced to suck on a cock and her newborn child gets covered in hot cum.

Fantasy, Pedo, Toddler/Baby 

Want to spray cum all over your tits as you’re breastfeeding and wipe my cock clean on our tiny daughter’s face.


I know traditionally a baby shower is before the baby is born but I want to have a different kind of baby shower... Shortly after she's born and bunch of Pervs both male and female gather around her crib and shower her in cum and piss.

When I turn into a mother, I'll have my daughter wear slutty clothes with no panties to let everyone know they are aloud to use her, even if she's 4 #pedo #fantasy #toddlercon

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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