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My partner sat on my face last night and smothered me while I jerked off and came until I saw stars ✨🤪

My partner is so cute. She said she felt badly about wanting to get me a cake as a celebration for me, but she offered me a blowjob instead haha 😛

I really didn’t think I would end up enjoying mursuit content as much as I now do 😅

Had a *very* vivid dream about making love to a Shepard mix 😵‍💫 I can still feel his warm balls in my mouth and taste his tailhole and feel his sheath in my hand 🖤

irl CUTE I am in desperate need of a harness that accommodates a knot dildo. I have a packer one that works but I really gotta force it in there :/

Friendly reminder that fantasy hurts NO ONE! ~ allow yourself to use fantasy as an open expression for yourself and your feelings! 💋🖤

Me: “Mommy I need to pee, pause the movie.”
Her: “Oh do you??” *presses hands onto my lower belly*
Me: *moans and whimpers and squirms* 😵‍💫

Fr though whenever I am playing a campaign with my circle, we always include some paraphilia fun stuff. It’s really nice to have that openness in our roleplaying!!

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