@MoeBritannica linuxtards lost long ago, I can't even launch Steam on mint

@tomie @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica old kernel should not prevent opening steam. linux is not windows if you want you can help yourself by simple running steam from the command line to get information.

there are also like 5 different ways alone you could install steam. flatpak often fixes many issues
@DarkMahesvara @tomie @MoeBritannica my thought was that he got a mismatched package somewhere because that was the problem I ran into. I was too lazy to switch to edge so I got flatpak steam for a while

@Kyonko802 @DarkMahesvara @MoeBritannica idk and idc why steam one day decided to stop working on mint; all I know that it doesn't and fixing that is just as annoying as everything else on linux and requires some obscure wizardry

@tomie @Kyonko802 @DarkMahesvara @MoeBritannica not really, the wizardry comes in when people insist on using debian stable and it's derivates (ubuntu, mint, mint debian edition) or arch and go full updaaaaater (update packages every day cuz muh bleedin edge) distros or branches of distros with saner package life times don't suffer like that (even debian testing requires less wizardry than ubuntu)
@EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @DarkMahesvara @MoeBritannica stable has been getting slightly better about packages. Mainly mint edge, popOS, and that new one that I forgot the name of that the GE guy made. I wouldn't bother giving this one advice, though
@tomie @EdBoatConnoisseur @DarkMahesvara @MoeBritannica no I just noticed you were being a passive aggressive shithead over some dumb software and decided to take a peak at your tl only to not be surprised at all

@Kyonko802 @EdBoatConnoisseur @DarkMahesvara @MoeBritannica pls don't project yourself being a passive-aggressive shithead onto me, thank you ❤️ i was nothing but polite even while fully knowing that any linux thread turns into full on preaching about virtues of FOSS (even when it fails to do the simplest thing like launching Steam)

@tomie @EdBoatConnoisseur @DarkMahesvara @MoeBritannica no you weren't. You launched into the same "linux is shitty" post and ignored all potential helping hands given to you when a polite "No thank you ill stick with what works for me" would have been fine. And now here you are being a stereotype and putting hearts on your post after someone notices you're an asshole. Go back to Twitter. You'll fit in wonderfully there.

@Kyonko802 @EdBoatConnoisseur @DarkMahesvara @MoeBritannica
I didn't ask for any helping hand in a first place but still was nothing but polite ❤️ so kindly thank you but I'd rather both stick to what works and to my own decisions regarding what to reply to "windows sux" shitposts

@EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica what you wrote makes no sense. almost no distro is so different from each other that it would require any wizardry except maybe source based distros. what even is this "wizardry"?

>the wizardry comes in when people insist on using debian stable and it's derivates
ok so using point releases with often older software is a problem

>or arch and go full updaaaaater (update packages every day cuz muh bleedin edge)
ok...so rolling are also a problem? btw. arch is not bleeding its literally the most recent upstream packages (the same point releases will receive later) couple days after they are released and tested.

>distros or branches of distros with saner package life times don't suffer like that
such as?

>even debian testing requires less wizardry than ubuntu
yeah man run testing but muh arch bad bc breakage lmao
@DerLeere @EdBoatConnoisseur @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica @tomie git is bleeding edge using the most recent released version is cutting edge if anything
@EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @DarkMahesvara @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica for me mint just works
arch and manjaro was obnoxious with how frequently I'd end up with a black screen on startup because an update broke something
@Kyonko802 @BitterPill @EdBoatConnoisseur @MoeBritannica @tomie no but people just do blind updates, ignore warnings and do not listen to the archwiki which explains you what you need to do if you use nvidia
@Kyonko802 @BitterPill @EdBoatConnoisseur @MoeBritannica @tomie all of these update problems could be prevented anyways if people used snapshot filesystems like BTRFS and ZFS.

>problem on linux
>fixed 10 seconds later by rolling back to working snapshot

>problem on windows
>reinstall whole OS in like half an hour and pray it works
@DarkMahesvara @BitterPill @EdBoatConnoisseur @MoeBritannica @tomie even reinstalling the whole os with a distro only takes ten minutes at most so you save time either way by comparison
@DarkMahesvara @Kyonko802 @EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @MoeBritannica I have BTRFS now and have timeshift set up so I can roll back.
On Manjaro it was still annoying when I had to do it to get my system back in working order as it obviously longer than just booting into a working system.
@DarkMahesvara @Kyonko802 @EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @MoeBritannica I spent weeks reading boring wiki shit. And even if I cared to read changelogs before every single update they will only ever mention issues when it's widespread enough to affect literally every fucking user. I had no idea how to "cherry pick" updates to avoid issues and I wasn't going to waste time learning that skill.
And doing "blind updates" broke my system both when staying up to date every day and when postponing updating until days/weeks later.

My mint system has been problem free and up to date for a year now.
@BitterPill @EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica

>if I cared to read changelogs before every single update

you don't need that. the only thing you should keep an eye on would be https://archlinux.org/news/ which you can configure to always display before updating or just use RSS

>I wasn't going to waste time learning that skill

learning to maintain your system is never a waste same as with any other devices. it saves time and money in the long run but if you are that against it why even bother with arch

>And doing "blind updates" broke my system both when staying up to date every day and when postponing updating until days/weeks later.

so you didn't read what the computer told you and got mad when it didn't work anymore?

>My mint system has been problem free and up to date for a year now.

thats nice. my experience has been similar with arch since i knew what i was expecting with it.
@DarkMahesvara @EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica I have endless contempt for codemonkeys. They put out jank software and then pretend everyone else is retarded for not understanding how to configure and use it. Bonus points for shitty or non existent documentation, man pages more difficult to decipher than ancient languages carved into stone.
I've spent far more time learning about how electronics work than 99.999% of computer users ever will. And my experience with rolling release distros made me realize there are better things to do with my time than trying to maintain jank software.
@BitterPill @EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica

>Bonus points for shitty or non existent documentation, man pages more difficult to decipher than ancient languages carved into stone.

with FOSS software there are ways to improve that unlike proprietary software. do you contribute to it? do you donate to it? do you use a search engine?

>And my experience with rolling release distros made me realize there are better things to do with my time than trying to maintain jank software.

then i guess you should be grateful there are people that use this "jank software" because you will receive the same software after them. sometimes fixed by them.
@DarkMahesvara @EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica I do my work responsibly with the expectation that no one else will fix my fuck ups. Granted I don't do my work for free. But I do spend money on software IF it's not a broken piece of shit, just like I buy products at a store IF they're actually any good.
And I would support ongoing projects IF I was convinced the people working on those projects aren't a bunch of retarded tranny socks codemonkeys. Otherwise they can just go ask google or whatever gay corporate entity to send a few mil their way.
@EdBoatConnoisseur @berkberkman @tomie @BitterPill @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica no configuration required the example before was the man page from 2019...


like i said before. you don't like something? contribute! this isn't windows where you cry into the void :shrug:
@DarkMahesvara @berkberkman @tomie @BitterPill @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica nigga, i hate coding, 1 i hate programming, 2 i hate the fact that despite that and there being way better programmers out there i do this sort of shit no one else is doing...
@EdBoatConnoisseur @BitterPill @DarkMahesvara @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica @tomie All I did regarding Linux was just installed a Krita AppImage on Fedora and tinkered with the Wacom settings (It just works!). There's plenty of complaints and nitpicks within the gaming spheres, but there's not enough within the creative/art/media scene since they'd rather just be comfy with using Adobe, Apple, and (occassionally) Clip Studio over tweaking and ricing everything.
@berkberkman @BitterPill @DarkMahesvara @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica @tomie you sure it doesn't work?

do you have auto screen rotation activated?

check on the input for joystick0 with jstest-gtk if there's accelerometer data being read.
@DarkMahesvara @EdBoatConnoisseur @tomie @Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica at the time yes, but now that I barely care about vidya I just have an RX590, so maybe manjaro would also work fine, though there were other horrible annoying things that would happen after updates besides booting to a black screen
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