since they lost cool creature designs 20 years ago and no longer have cute girl designs, is there a reason for pokemon to exist?
@All_bonesJones I remember posting and laughing about the Pokemon champion of that area, her design is extremely uncanny somehow
@coolboymew god, you're right. what a weird fucking design
if they wanted to make something androgynous and ugly, they succeeded. this would be a great design for someone you're supposed to hate and kill. it's so inherently loathsome

looking at the other champ designs is great for a timeline of when the series went to shit
gens 1 and 2? cool anime rivals
3 through 6? well, at least there's waifus
7+? am vomit
@coolboymew genuinely, i am in awe of the design. it brings to mind the great work in alchemy, the unification of both positive masculine and positive feminine aspects into a single being. not because the design does that, but because the design does the opposite

there is nothing sexy or cute about this design. it wholly lacks feminine charm. it does not make me want to protect it, it does not make me want to seduce it, it does not being joy when i look at it. there is not a single aspect of this design that has any of the positive aspects of femininity. nothing about it capture the unique ways a woman can be enjoyable to be around

simultaneously, it isn't cool. there's nothing inspirationally masculine about it. there's no muscle, no hint of strength, no sense of courage or vague sense of holding to a duty, nothing that a young boy would look up to and want to be. with the scrawny design and the nearly balding hairline, it captures the aura of a contemptibly weak male

just looking at this character makes me angry, and i am not joking. i want to kill this character off the visuals alone. you know how you're instinctively disgusted by roaches and want them gone? i feel that way towards this character design. genuinely incredible. i don't think i've seen a single anime design that managed to provoke me like this

@hakui @All_bonesJones @coolboymew
>hating on Lusamine
when you wanted to hate "modern" Pokemon so much you played yourself...

@tomie @All_bonesJones @coolboymew you bringing up lusamine when i was talking about the cockroach pokemon says a lot more about lusamine's design than you think

@hakui @All_bonesJones @coolboymew the cockroach pokemon being clearly based on her and them even being paired up somewhere is a simple fact
this thread already had VII gen hate, so yeah, hating on Lusamine here

@tomie @hakui @coolboymew i don't give enough of a fuck about pokemon to remember gens past 4, i counted 7 champions, every champ from sh/sw onwards looks like ass
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