
this "6.5 woman who cooks" meme has all the vibes of when m*n are posting "look at this all natural no makeup BEAUTY, that's what men want!" and there's $2000 of makeup and a nosejob

@tomie are you going to keep that same energy with the "he has to be 6' minimum, make six figures, and have a six inch dick" requirement a lot of online women have, or nah?

a) you're literally comparing the incompatible
b) "a lot"
c) at least these women realise that they simply have standards and usually try to be presentable at least, while the worst "you must look voluptuous with 4DD and babymaking ass, weigh 40 kg, cook like my mom, make 6k and never beg for my help with woman duties like babysitting my 7 kids cuz i need a christian virgin tradwife who's not a golddigger" male dating profiles would be below an acceptable standard for a literal meth addict
d) u gay, not like you are going to be in the dating with women field anyway

@picandor and e) the dragonball pfp is right, literally no point in extending the privileges of equal treatment to a group who will never return the favor

@tomie @picandor
I see we've finally switched from equality model to a "different and complimentary"... Good :andyinsane:

@LukeAlmighty @picandor I literally couldn't argue with the dragonball pfp on that and I argue about everything

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