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>"why 😤 someone posted [whatever OP doesn't like] 😤 on the internet!!! 😡"

idk, why your ugly mutt got an account on the internet social services, maybe something about human innate need to share?

5286. You haven't gone outside for entire weekends because you've been too busy coding HTML.
Cannibalism isn't poggers. Most people seem to be way less hygienic than I am, so why would I eat their flesh. No way I'm eating the thighs of some fucker who never bathes properly, disgusting.

Did you know: If you have a pacemaker, you can put it in your Will to have your pacemaker donated to a dog in need after you pass. Pacemakers cannot be donated to another human, but they can be donated to dogs with cardiac issues who would depend on it to stay alive. You can have the pacemaker brought to a vet of your choice. Pacemakers get thrown away & dogs die because people don't know they can do this. Which sometimes means the difference in being able to afford lifesaving treatment or not.

how low it is for one creator of the character and setting to fuck the second creator over royalties

why tf UE5 games seem to run like garbage even on the most top-tier systems :MeguWhat:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.