
ate so much strawberry ice cream sundae that it hallucinated me into a different dimension as I was laying in bed :jahy_acid:

· · SubwayTooter · 1 · 0 · 3

@Mr_NutterButter @veru dairy will give you fucked up dreams if you eat it right before bed

@beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter Shit!!! I didn't know this! :sadgery:

It was very scary because it was a mirrored version of my room and I could hear everything outside too but I couldn't get up. Also some stuff was missing from my room despite it seeming real; I knew I was stuck in the dream. I do suffer sleep paralysis and hallucinations so the amount of sugar must have cranked it up pretty bad. This was one of the worst ones I've had in my life so far and I wasn't sure if I was gonna wake up lol. Felt like it lasted so long. No more sundaes for me, it seems!

@veru @Mr_NutterButter as long as you don't eat it right before bed it should be fine. just give your body time to digest it and stuff. same thing with apple juice, actually.

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