There was a drunk beaner just standing in my porch yesterday.
wtf man

I have never seen him before in my life and he asked if someone that spoke Spanish lived there. I kept a good distance from him since idk if he's some psycho. I told him that I did and if he needed anything within the vicinity. I could barely make out anything he was saying in Spanish and then he started to babble something about his "friends" living in my apartment complex. Nobody else that speaks Spanish lives there but me. Then he fucking waddled away! :FeelsWeirdMan: I have no clue if he was trying to break in.

I always get second hand embarrassment from this type of people, man. Stereotypes exist for a reason. How hard is it not not act like a fucking animal when you get given a chance to live in a better country? Might as well stay living in shit if you are going to come be a nuisance and just blow your money on booze again. I will not be surprised if he gets taken by the cops soon since they're always circling around the town. Theses fucking asshole beaners do not care if they even rob their own people.


btw, this was not even at night. The guy was drunk in broad daylight! It was only around 4pm. Who fucking drinks during the day? Get some help if you do and stay the fuck off people's porches before you run into a crazy person who will blow your brains out from being on their property!

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