Looking through AliExpress weird products is a guilty pleasure of mine


Probably one of my favorite things about AliExpress are the extremely horny reviewers for some of the sex toys. They're always in my recommendations now after looking up silicone repair glue a while back.

I'm sure these guys would post the entire ass balls inside them if AliExpress let them. I have already seen dudes post their junk while reviewing underwear. As long as no skin is showing, you can post it. This person in the review is very happy with the balls in their ass. :FeelsWeirdMan: At such a cheap price, I hope it doesn't get stuck there.

Another bizarre find is this inflatable butt plug. This just looks DANGEROUS imo. It looks like a trip to the ER. I wonder how this even works but imo, you should be careful with your body in this matter because you only get ONE body. If you burst your asshole, rest in piss. :weirdChamp:

Finally something more lighthearted are these shoe soles. The advertisement has some hilarious Engrish. I guess if you buy the soles, there is no more shitty feeling of pain on your foot. This is likely what they meant lmao. The reviews are good!

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