
I'm back to playing Blade & Soul and I won't be leaving this time. I've tried to leave this game plenty of times and always just come back anyways. :kekw: This leaving and coming back gets old after 7 years of playing, so unless they shut down the Western server or ban me, looks like I'm stuck for good.

I also have an irreplaceable friend group in this game and I just can't see myself without these guys. They're truly wonderful people I look forward to seeing every day and I missed them during the months I was away, hoping to drag them with me to the now failed Blue Protocol. As I had mentioned, we won't be playing that game due to the censorship imposed by Amazon.

I will begin covering BnS more and making video content for it in the upcoming months, as I do believe this very unique MMO deserves a second look in the current year. There is simply nothing like it and I don't suspect there will be anytime soon. I've always been very critical of this game, hoping it improves which can come across to people as me being a "hater", so I will do an honest coverage each time. The game has positives and negatives, like every game. The game has improved for the better in the past months.

Since it's a very old game and now handled directly by its parent company in Korea, nobody pays much attention to it. This makes it not prone to censorship like newer MMOs or JRPGs coming to the West.
Any censorship we had in the past for BnS has been mostly reverted to the original Korean game models as far as I can tell.

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