Never say never! I said this would never be made just a few months ago. 😅 This was the biggest surprise for me this year so far.

The first ever true anime life size/love doll has been released by Aotume, an already very popular doll company that specializes solely in anime dolls. He has of course been modeled after the cute and popular Astolfo! Aotume can also make completely customized faces for their dolls.

Yes, I will be buying him! He also has reduced weight compared to other dolls of similar height. My only criticism is that his thighs are too skinny and would have liked to see a fatter thighs alternative version but the chest sculpt is 👌👌👌. Literally perfect. The sole fact this was even made really shocked me but Aotume has a very big Japanese consumer base, so I do expect this to be better received in Japan even amongst those who only have female dolls and it was made for them. He comes in TPE or soft silicone and I'll be buying the soft silicone model soon™️.


@pernia Yes it does!
But only the TPE body has an anal cavity. The silicone bodies are more for photography and to be used more like traditional dolls for dress up. They also last longer.
If the doll is going to be used, then it needs to be TPE due to it being a stretchy material. TPE is also cheaper at the cost of longevity and it needs a bit of maintenance to upkeep the material.

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