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Regretfully, all of the doll wigs I ordered were a bust and many dollarinos down the drain! These cheap Chinese wigs are really a lottery on what you are going to get vs the pictures. I don't think these sellers are showing the ACTUAL wigs. The whole monitor coloring difference is a lie imo. The wig doesn't magically transform into a completely different color. Though I shouldn't be surprised since it's coming from China.

Since my doll's maker is only on Twitter, I want to reveal the doll properly on there but you can clearly see the color of this wig is SO DARK compared to the picture shown. Doesn't matter if I shined the light on it or take the picture with flash either. That shit is just dark no matter what. There's not really any blue on there.

Well just more delays now lol.
Ironically I can only buy these China wigs because my character's hair color isn't one that is easy to find. Third picture is of yet another China wig I have on the way. I highly doubt these girls are wearing the wig at all. Don't let the Japanese text fool you; it's Chinese made and says so in the description lol. The color differences are awful. It's a lottery of what will actually come in. 😅

After many hours, I found a single perfect color on Etsy. It's the 4th pic. $80 wig though! No choice and I'm tired of searching. It's probably best to have this one shop tailor Elegos's wigs forever now. It also has enough hair to make a cute ponytail!

I plan to use the China wig for sleeping, etc and keep the Etsy wig for pictures. Unless the China wig ends up being some type of neon blue!

Onionket 5 Scheduled for Aug.19th/20th, 2023

Onionket (or "Onion Comic Market") is a decentralized, censorship-resistant online doujin/art festival hosted exclusively in the Dark Web. Using an open-source program called "OnionShare", we give artists a SIMPLE, FREE, and CENSORSHIP-RESISTANT way to distribute their work.

Doll wig haul for this week! Finally wigs in the somewhat correct colors?!

Elegos's hair color is difficult! These need trimming and let's hope I don't burn off the darker wig when I straighten it. 😅 The darker one appeared lighter on pictures but it's not too bad. The ponytail wig is almost the perfect color as his concept art that I was working on but I haven't been able to find a long hair wig of this shade.

Very busy today! My boy also needs his lips done. Many outfits also came in! I realized my hair cutting scissors are completely shot after my brother took my car so now I need to wait a few hours to take care of these wigs. I'm dedicating the entire weekend to my sweet Elegos! :peepoBlushy:

Another beautiful Dragon King has also arrived from far away! 🐲✨

He will appear soon!

My impossible challenge of not acquiring interests related to fetishes continues!

I got recommended these cute anime kigurumi masks and I thought I would save up for one to take pictures in with my doll. Then I look at the store name that carries it. Shit! :pepeShotgun:

Well, it's really cute and I keep getting into fetish shit for wholesome reasons. Whoops. :blobcatdunno: I have seen people in Japan wear these but I didn't know it was used for naughty reasons too. This type of mask is probably in the same category as wearing fursuits perhaps? Also that price will mean I won't be getting one any time soon at least!

June 2nd is National Donut 🍩 Day, so if you are Amerifat, you can get a free donut tomorrow at most donut places such as Dunkin when you buy a drink.

Me love donurs :peepoHug:🍩

Remember that Somali nigger who went around live streaming and harassing Japanese people?
Well, someone had enough of his monkey shines.

Gigabyte been selling motherboard with hidden backdoors that can download and execute software, more than 270 models affected

when you take your sleepy grape flavored melts but stay fully awake :deadInside:

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