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Holy shit, they don't just ask for your phone number at signup, they ask for your DRIVER'S LICENSE too in case you want to see 18+ shit?! @billblake2018

@billblake2018 Meanwhile, Carrie Lam still insists they still protect free expression 😂

The site itself and the developers are run by communist Antifa members that censor conservative viewpoints, but the Lemmy software/code is open-source and can federate with any other willing instance. Yeah, go for it if they're willing to host their own forum with it. @earlybird

Yeah this is a problem I've noticed with privacy-focused email services. ProtonMail Bridge exists (for ProtonMail obv) but I have to pay a monthly/yearly fee, wtf @redstarfish What about Disroot tho?

Why the Fediverse is significant, beside privacy 

Because big corporations are not forever.

Say about them what you will, but there IS a value in social media, they do satisfy the need, they do scratch that ancient itch of human beings to hear each other and be heard. They do it quite perversely, as a side-effect to filling their shareholders' pockets, but still, as a matter of fact.

The corporations though, do close down for all kinds of reasons.

There was a time before Twitter. Someday Facebook will disappear. Someday, YouTube will go dark.

The Fediverse, in this sense, is a toolkit, that will allow people to rebuild the Internet as we know and love it today in the future, when most companies have gone extinct.

The Internet is not a thing that "just is", it's "what people do". The Fediverse recognizes and embraces this fluid, dynamic nature: every now and then there's new servers that pop up and old that ones go down. It's not really a big deal around here. And it's... beautiful?

@noyoushutthefuckupdad dont give google any more ways to track you, the link or use invidious or yewtube @tuxcrafting This. Specificly,, and Just replace with those

I hate that Parler is being pushed as the alternative to twitter. People need to get on that decentralized train!

trump somehow forgot that the supreme court has already ruled that flag burning is constitutionally protected free speech

"but muh soldiers died for that flag"

and they died for fucking nothing if you aren't free to burn it.

soooo i finally tried playing GTA V on this potato

and it was shit. I tried to screenshot all the flying cars and the people floating as the beach, the roads etc couldn't load, buuuut

alright I think I'm gonna take away my email alias now

I've been switching all my accounts, tediously, on the web as recorded on keepass to either my email (its current alias) or to my @protonmail email

there's still a few holdouts but I hope I can switch them in the future

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.