@rasterman Are you experiencing any record snowstorms in your country? It seems like the southern hemisphere is experiencing record snowstorms, contrary to what the global warming alarmists are saying.

@xianc78 I happen to live in the snowless middle; but snow storms haven't ceased and we've been getting them all year, and recently too. I didn't see news of them being any worse than usual, but I might not have been paying attention. Then again, don't bother using that as an argument. Climate Change conspiracy theorists will say that record snow storms are a sign that global warming is happening.

@rasterman It's good evidence. Polar ice caps are expanding contrary to what mainstream science says (check the link from the beginning of the thread). It's just more evidence that we are approaching a grand solar minimum in the coming years.

But of course we got a fucking hurricane and people are going to ignore the snowstorms in the southern hemisphere and the growing ice caps and pay attention to that instead. Or if they do acknowledge the growing ice caps, they can just say that the lockdowns reduced CO2 emissions which caused the ice caps to expand which will justify having climate lockdowns as some are predicting.

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