I really fucking hate this globalist mindset that we should care about the entire world and that we should treat every event that happens in it like it's close to home. Like I'm really going to feel empathy of those who just suffered from some earthquake in a random shithole on the other side of the planet as if it happened in my hometown.

Really, all this mindset does is justify more globalism and more global governance like what we are seeing with stuff like the Great Reset. Plus, it's a waste of money, time, and resources to give a shit about every thing that happens on this fucking planet. Donating all this money to organizations that probably don't even solve the problems anyway. It's a fucking waste. I rather help my local community where I actually know I'm making a difference or try to improve myself because I'm desperate for some self-improvement right now.

You may hate me on this, but...
* I don't give a fuck about starving children in Africa.
* I don't give a fuck about brown girls who can't go to school in the Middle East.
* I don't give a fuck about some gorilla war or some genocide going on in some third world shithole that I barely know about.
* I don't give a fuck about some recent natural disaster in some third world shithole that I barely know about.
* I don't give a fuck that there still are countries where LGBTXYZWTF people get executed.

It's time we start solving our own problems. The world is way too big to care about every god damn thing that happens.

But feel free to call me a white supremacist or whatever. I don't give a fuck anymore.

@xianc78 if you think about it, isn't it racist for you to care about starving African kids? That's empathetic appropriation! You're trying to steal the job of some wise African elder! Just like white men shouldn't speak in (or be members of) left-wing political parties, just like they should make room for BIPOC to speak, they should also make room for BIPOC to solve BIPOC problems. Can you imagine some Nigerian prince getting online, finding a "How to help Nigeria" forum, and then promptly getting kicked from it because he offended the feelings of some white woman in Kansas? I'm getting mad just imagining that!

It's high time that these imperialist colonialist western charities shut down. It's the only politically correct thing to do.

@apropos If someone wants to help them and thinks they can actually do it, fine. Go right ahead, but leave me out of it. I just think it's a waste of time and resources and I don't like it when the government gets involved.

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