What the fuck happened to game console BIOS/OS/IPL/Firmware menus? They use to have a ton of personality to them. The Saturn had a fucking spaceship traveling through a star field. The Dreamcast always has that relaxing underwater-esqe background. GameCube had a floating cube with a very slow cover of the Famicom Disk System start up playing in the background.

Now look at modern consoles like the Xbox One/Series and the Switch. Their menus look now different from menus on streaming services. It's fucking bland.


This isn't even limited to the console UI's themselves. Even the services lost personality.

As much as people shat on the original Wii for having lackluster online (friend-codes, no voice-chat in most games, etc), it has much more personality than the Switch's online. I had a lot of fun with the Everybody Votes Channel, the News and Forecast Channels, and the Check Mii Out Channel. Why aren't they on Switch? All we have now (besides multiplayer) is a news feed and the e-shop.

Even going before the Wii, the Japan-only Satellaview had a fucking town as it's main menu. I'm not saying you should go all out like that but at least have something that doesn't look like it was out of Windows 8.

I don't have that much online experience on other consoles, but this is something I at least notice with Nintendo.

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