I'm really fucking sick of all the Ted Kaczynski worship. Even if there are bad parts of modern society, most of you wouldn't even survive in anprimistan. Also, there is plenty of evidence that Kacyznski was brainwashed by the CIA. (His professor Murray might have been part of the MKUltra experiments)

I also find it ironic that this unabomber worship is coming from the far right because Ted Kacyznski would be more of a post-left anarchist than anything.

@xianc78 tbh I just wish people would actually read him and not just snippets of his manifesto. He's written several books while in prison and the latest one is quite good
@Binkle @xianc78 I'm convinced most of the people who pretend to read him are also diehard larpers.

The last trad larper I knew did a 180 and started going on about how "I want to live in a city so people will respect my true and gender" a year later and had a school shooter obsession phase as well.

@PhenomX6 @Binkle Most of these LARPers are just the Luke Smith types who move to the country and start a homestead but still have running water and electricity in their homes.

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@xianc78 @PhenomX6 @Binkle

They arnt willing to detact from the statist system and use

Rain water
Direct Solar
DIY Wind Turbine
compressed air
DIY methane gas

along with replacing internet with
LORA + CB Radio/Ham Radio

Nor are most ready to grown/raise own our vegies/herbs/meat/eggs
and stop using bigchains/corporations and the retail statist system

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