@alex Time to embrace Bitcoin. Would Square work for this, in the interim, so you can continue to process Fiat?
@xianc78 @alex Monero's fine, but nobody's using it, and I don't think the anonymity is as important in this instance; public ledgers are good for companies that would otherwise be audited.
The point right now is to transition from state-controlled fiat to some form of non-controlled currency.
@anornymorse @xianc78 @alex Yeah, lightning network, jack dorsey and elon musk aren't statist tools. Your grandpa chain is fucked and privacy is key.
Any time you want to provide a viable alternative, we're all ears.
@RacistGoku42069 @xianc78 @alex
> Corporations shouldn't have auditable ledgers!
Big Think.
@anornymorse You think corporations are going to adopt a method to let you audit them? You need to be worried about how you're gonna survive when your CBDC wallet gets banned in the cashless society.
> After Fiat collapses in the next 6-12 months, Corporations are going to adopt CBDC's that don't exist!
By the time CBDC's come out, nobody will care. Their window of adoption will have sailed.
One of the side-effects of having to rush plans that were supposed to happen in 2030.
@anornymorse @xianc78 @alex
> Monero's fine, but nobody's using it,

Look at any random darknet market, and tell me whether you've changed your mind.

> and I don't think the anonymity is as important in this instance

Just ask anyone who donated to Kanadium truckers what happens if your transactions aren't anonymous.
Just ask anyone who ever used a Bitcoin mixer what happens if your transactions aren't anonymous.
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