
@ArdainianRight @tessaracht @Moon I would also recommend PaleMoon but there are some tweaking you need to do before it's truly private. But the lead developer has been blocking certain add-ons (namely ad-blockers) for moral reasons and the team is slowly becoming more like Mozilla.

There are also minimalist browsers like Surf and BadWolf but they don't have certain features you may be use to like add-ons. (You can still block ads and malicious (third-party) JavaScript by editing your host file though. Text-based browser like Lynx and W3M also still exist but the vast majority of the web can't be rendered in them.

AVOID Brave! It's a shitty meme browser. Their BAT crypto isn't even decentralized (they even take a cut off of it), the browser has auto-updates by default, and it's script blocker whitelists Google (which understandably and unfortunately is required for many sites to work) and Facebook trackers.

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@spiral @ArdainianRight @xianc78 @tessaracht @Moon i still think "privacy preserving" and "full-featured webshit" are useless to talk about in the same context

@opal @ArdainianRight @Moon @tessaracht What else is there? Everything either runs on Blink (Google), Gecko (Mozilla), or WebKit (Apple). NetSurf (runs on its own engine) seems to have potential but they haven't updated in over two years.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @Moon @tessaracht just picking one of a dozen shit choices and not acting like it matters, rest of us are doing this
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @Moon @tessaracht just for perspective i use a mix of browsers trying to deal with how bad each one is at different things
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