@ArdainianRight @tessaracht @Moon The Tor Browser is based off of Firefox. You can use any browser with the Tor network if you configure it to run through Tor.

@Moon @ArdainianRight @tessaracht Yeah, but it isn't practical to use a browser that always connects to Tor. You can't access web pages hosted over a LAN for example, which is especially a problem given that most public Wi-Fi hotspots require you to visit some locally webpage before connecting. That can't be done on the Tor Browser.

@xianc78 @Moon @ArdainianRight @tessaracht In many cases you even have to know the exact URL of the WiFi hotspot's page if you don't have any of the mainstream normie browsers installed, which is especially annoying, because even if I'm not on Tor I can't even connect to almost every single hotspot.
I can connect to Starbucks hotspot, but only because I figured out that you can bring up their landing page by just going to https://www.starbucks.co.jp.

@ryo @ArdainianRight @tessaracht @Moon When I was in college, the Wi-Fi landing page was hosted directly on their routers. You had to disable Tor or your VPN in order to login, then re-enable them afterward.

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