@ArdainianRight >1. Don't live in or near a major population center likely to be nuked.
The first strikes will be on militarily important targets and the other side's nuclear arsenal. In America, that means the middle-of-nowhere Mid-West where most silos are located and not the population centers.

@SuperSnekFriend @ArdainianRight Well, I don't think a nuclear war is actually going to happen. I really think that this Russia-Ukraine war is just another part to push The Great Reset. Remember that both Putin and Zelensky were partnered with the WEF (Putin is officially kicked out but who knows what's going behind the scenes). I think the black-out in Europe are to get people used to "energy-rationing". This is why I warned people not to pick any side, but nobody listens to me.

@xianc78 @SuperSnekFriend @ArdainianRight I guess they'll put him right back in (pun intended) right after the war psyop ends.
Although I have to say that Putin's recent speeches are actually quite reasonable, but I'm still skeptical about him just playing his role as controlled opposition considering the recent artificial "laws" he implemented in Roshan that are basically the same as all the other puppets do in whatever countries they play their roles in.

@ryo @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend He's friends with Henry Kissinger. I've also heard that he's friends with Zelensky's brother (even right now) but I can't find any confirmation on that.


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