@ArdainianRight >1. Don't live in or near a major population center likely to be nuked.
The first strikes will be on militarily important targets and the other side's nuclear arsenal. In America, that means the middle-of-nowhere Mid-West where most silos are located and not the population centers.

@SuperSnekFriend @ArdainianRight Well, I don't think a nuclear war is actually going to happen. I really think that this Russia-Ukraine war is just another part to push The Great Reset. Remember that both Putin and Zelensky were partnered with the WEF (Putin is officially kicked out but who knows what's going behind the scenes). I think the black-out in Europe are to get people used to "energy-rationing". This is why I warned people not to pick any side, but nobody listens to me.

@xianc78 @SuperSnekFriend @ArdainianRight I guess they'll put him right back in (pun intended) right after the war psyop ends.
Although I have to say that Putin's recent speeches are actually quite reasonable, but I'm still skeptical about him just playing his role as controlled opposition considering the recent artificial "laws" he implemented in Roshan that are basically the same as all the other puppets do in whatever countries they play their roles in.
@ryo @xianc78 @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend He has even said a thing or another against the WEF before, but he was one of their graduates (though Alex Jewnes said that he's was totally just there as a KGB spy, totally), and at the end of the day, he does and supports the same things that all of the other puppets do. He's identical to them. They call him a dictator, and they're right, but they're also staring right in the mirror because that is also exactly what they are. If people were actually smart, there would be no war, they would just take both governments down. If you're going to risk your life anyway, risk it fighting the actual villains, the politicians and their masters.
@TerminalAutism @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @xianc78 Getting yourself lethally injected isn't a duty, it's playing Roshan roulette with your own body.
@ryo @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @xianc78 On multiple levels. Even if it doesn't kill you immediately, it reduces your lifespan. But it also could be saline. The doctor that first showed the hydras, at least, only found them in one out of four samples and the rest were just saline solutions, according to him at least. And it makes sense for not all of them to be real, I mean, that would make it less obvious. Also, imagine making like, 14 billion shots, and then the boosters too. Of course, it is fact that they had them ready in 2020, so there is that too. I suspect that they started making the damn things at least ten years if not decades ago, there are just way too fucking many of them. Imagine making two shots for the entire population of the planet in less than a year. And that's with the disease supposedly being new, which it wasn't, and in fact it wasn't anything because that's bullshit too.
@TerminalAutism @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @xianc78 They had the tech already.
Even back during the 1918 Spanish flu (which wasn't Spanish and wasn't a flu), everyone was fine until they brought in the lethal injections, which was ultimately the thing that killed everyone who took it.
And everything they did back then is what they're doing now, even the mask fascism and the fact that the obsoletes were the only ones who got away with not wearing one.

And as the aftermath of all this, they introduced the whole passport soystem, so they already turned you into a slave and already made it so that you couldn't freely travel to wherever you want.
And yes, before 1920 there were no passports at all, you just went to anywhere you liked for as however long you wanted, and there was no problem at all.
Nobody even thought of you as a globalist or nationalist (both are CIA invented labels anyway), and there was no mass migrant problem, everyone who visited another part of the world naturally went back to where they came from.

The reason why mass migration is such a problem today is exactly because of artificial "laws" and all the bullshit like "overstaying", "visa", and so on.
The more you make illegal, the more people will look for ways to violate them.
Government is the problem, anarchy is the solution.
@ryo @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @xianc78 Yeah, I have seen things about the history of medicine about how pretty much every "pandemic" was just them poisoning people in one way or another, and I have seen pictures of people wearing masks while the enforcers didn't. Same shit, different century. It's a cycle that they have created on purpose. But it's also linear, it's a spiral down to hell. I don't think there is a solution, other than blowing everything up, of course, which is what I suggest and recommend. We should press all the nuclear buttons, with no warnings.
@TerminalAutism @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @xianc78 The only reason why this keeps on happening again and again is because people are so stupid.
If you bring people into civil disobedience, the cycle can be broken without blowing anything up.
This is why I think the current genocide/democide/howeveryouwanttocallit is a good thing, because it's killing off all the slaves that still love to lick their boots despite what they've done to them, and soon the only 2 types of people left will be them and those of us who know this is all a scam.

@ryo @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @TerminalAutism They will all form suicide packs for climate change and overpopulation soon. Don't worry.

@xianc78 @ryo @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend Maybe this is too depressing to post, but I already spent the time writing it, so here it goes...

I think the idea that anything good will ever happen and that there is a single outcome that they have not predicted is extremely overoptimistic. The idea that they are just going to kill off all their own supporters and be overthrown is not compatible with the fact that they have been planning this for centuries and have been ruling this world for possibly over a thousand years if not two or three thousand, and have been playing 4D chess with people that are mostly playing 1D chess.

"They control everything and have planned all this, but they are also stupid and don't know what they're doing". Seems like some serious wishful thinking to me. But hey, everyone needs some hopium to keep going, and at least it's based on some logic... just don't overdose on it like the people that take the very addictive and self-destructive "he is going to come and save us any day now". The "he" depending the specific addict, sometimes changing, frequently every 4 or 8 years. Side-effects include total lack of action and practical problem-solving, an immunity to any form form of reason, and an inability to perceive the obvious reality right in front of them.

My only hopium is "maybe I can achieve a life that isn't totally miserable and enjoy it for just long enough to make going through this nightmare at least kinda worth it before I bite the bullet". I know it's delusional but it is the only reason for me not to hang or stab myself right now. It may still be more realistic than my "it will all be worth it if I can have even the smallest positive impact" hopium. Still waiting to confirm that. Everything seems to indicate that nothing works and that even when you do have an effect it just backfires and makes things worse, but I'm just waiting for that moment that it does. I just want to die not feeling like all the suffering was a waste and that life was worth it. That is all. Of course, this seems very unlikely when almost no progress in that direction has actually happened and I can't see myself possibly surviving another decade, and I already lost my entire youth anyway

@TerminalAutism @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @ryo I was joking about the whole climate suicide packs thing even though one did happen in Argentina back in 2010.

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