@ArdainianRight @xianc78 @SuperSnekFriend @TerminalAutism Exactly what I keep saying!
Live life without government, and maybe have a couple of 3D printed guns just in case, and enjoy life as it's intended.
This got me banned from everywhere else, but that's the cost of talking common sense to those who forgot what common sense even means.
@ryo @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @xianc78 I'll do that immediately with that 3D printer I don't have. To shoot imaginary ammo at meat puppets (or robots by that point) when they come take my property that I don't have, and die alone and having achieved nothing like I was going to anyway. So, all going according to plan regardless as far as the Illuminati is concerned. They expect it.

Of course, I do intend to resist and give them a final fuck you, but is it going to accomplish anything? Nope, it will just be part of the plan, cornering the opposition and giving it no choice. Who is it going to be for? No one, really, I may never have someone around that is also willing to fight, so just for myself because death is a better outcome than what they want and it's just the right thing to do. Is anyone going to care? Also no, if anything it will be used to further advance the plan, and I'll be considered one of the villains. "Look, these people are opposing our tyranny, this is why we need more of it to get rid of them", and it will work, because it always does, because we're in planet hell and hell is other people.

And living life without government where? Government is everywhere and it controls everything and all the resources, and it's increasingly not even pretending that it doesn't. In ten years there will be robots all over the place watching everything and nanotech in all the food and water and social credit will already be around, and if it gets lowered enough you don't get any digital currency income, and without the digital currency, you don't get to pay rent, and even if you own property, you won't be able to pay taxes and then goodbye property. Even if I could go to another planet, they would do it earlier and be there first, and so would their dogs and sheep.

The only solution is time travel. That's not very realistic. And even then the only way to solve it would be to go back to the birth of the first lifeform and stomping on it before the infection spreads. Even if Genesis was literally real, you could go back to the garden of Eden and tell Adam and Eve about the consequences of eating the damn fruit, and the snake would just tell them that it's fake news and they would eat it anyway, so the only way would be rip Eve's head off and then beat Adam to death with her decapitated head, before having snake for dinner and finding out if it really does taste like chicken. Maybe making snake soup and eating it out of a bowl made out of the top of Adam's skull. And that doesn't even take into account the fact that most of the gods would have to be killed because they're evil too, and the demons and monsters and ghouls 'n ghosts 'n goblins. I can't do that, I'm not a Shin Megami Tensei protagonist. Maybe if I could gain experience points and level up, and dump all of them in strength, but I can't.

That was a tangent.

@TerminalAutism @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @ryo This is literally the worst blackpill I've seen. Fuck this shit.

We WILL win. The human spirit will ALWAYS win. Technocracy, The Great Reset, Agenda 21/30, whatever you want to call it, WILL fail because it's UNHUMAN by it's very core. There will be pain along the way, and yes, some people are unfortunately going to die in the process, but we WILL put an end to it.

This scamdemic has been a wake-up call for millions of people. More and more people have realized that their politicians are puppets and that voting is NOT the solution, but rather civil disobedience and creating a parallel system are. People who woke up during COVID-1984 have also looked into 9/11, the climate scam, and all the proxy wars and realized that they've been lied to the whole time.

And these are ordinary people waking up. We just need to be honest and compassion in our fight against this tyranny and not make ourselves look like a bunch of Alex Jones types and we can wake even more up. We also need to come with grassroots solutions that undermine the elite's control. People are already doing it now. They are creating microeconomies and becoming more self-sufficient. More and more children are being homeschooled instead of being brainwashed by the public education system.

More people are dumping their TVs and smartphones. They had enough. Some people are going to continue with the narrative but they're fools. But there are packets of resistance and they are growing. We FAR outnumber the elites. They are going to loose.

It's been that case throughout history. Good ALWAYS trumps EVIL. There is hope.

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@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @ryo Well, it's too late for Agenda 21, that one already succeeded in 2021, so Agenda 2030 is next. So far it has been implemented very quickly.

Anyway, I hope you're right, but as far as I can see, in history, it's always evil vs evil and the lesser of two evils loses, and it's lesser because it lost, and humans are inherently evil, and the ones that aren't are the exception and an anomaly.

The Agenda 2030 video implied that they expect some resistance to still exist outside of the Satancities, so maybe the people that manage to form communities will still be around. But probably under constant attack because they will not be satisfied with anything but total control. They already own and control almost everything and even that is not enough, so expecting them to suddenly say "okay, this is enough, let's leave those guys alone" is not very realistic.

Also, they are going to have the armed robots and the nanotech, and the giant millitaries and weapons (that are all connected to their system), and it will be full Metal Gear Solid 4, and chances are we are not going to have that, and will be outnumbered.

I hope we can at least live our lives, but again, doesn't seem so likely. And the weakness of the human spirit is what brought us here in the first place. It's a shit species, there's barely anything good about it at all. But looking at the upside, if the good people all die off, then everyone in this world is going to deserve whatever happens to them. At least that's some justice.

Anyway, no point in being depressed about it, so enjoy this long dog.
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