Just as a reminder, SoystemD is not the first time Linux has gone through a bloated monopolist takeover.
We have protest distro's like Artix and Devuan (and all its derivatives like antiX, and derivatives on THAT like MX Linux), as well as distro's that let you choose between evil and not evil like Gentoo and Peppermint OS, and distro's that don't use SoystemD in the first place like Void, Alpine, Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux (RIP), postmarketOS, and a couple more.

In the past the same controversy came up with Apache taking over the entire webserver/reverse proxy space with bloated code, then we got nginx, LighTTPD, and so on.

Another controversy was Gnome 3, which then gave birth to MATE, Cinnamon, LXQt, and more.

Yet another controversy with Audacity, which led to forks like Sneedacity.

Or Oracle taking over everything Sun has made like Java (no alternative for a very long time, but now there's Kotlin, and C# as a similar language to Java), MySQL (MariaDB), OpenOffice (Libre Office), and so on.

And on and on it goes.
So it's not like WinDOS where once Microshaft fucks up, you have no other choice than to just deal with it.
What we free OS masterrace users have that those proprietary OS peasants don't have is choice, and the ability to spin up superior alternatives and move on as soon as some massive project fucks up.
@ryo The forks eventually go to shit as well, or die. Everything has been moving in the direction of being dependent on the corporateware. Sneedacity looks dead. I personally used Tenacity, and that has been abandoned too and doesn't work anymore, because these systems are all for updooters. Audacium is also dead.

"Free" software is dead in general. It's in an endless cycle of corporations taking over and ruining everything and idiots making excuses for it, and there is not enough will and enough competence to go around, to actually make replacements for it, that will of course just get taken over by corporations again.

The amount of resistance to it is tiny. The "free software" people just make excuses for it. The FSF and the GNU project are perfectly fine with telemetry and spyware as long as it's GPL. They are perfectly fine with corporations taking all of their shit as long as it has the "right" loycense, and they don't mind dependencies that give corporations more control.
@TerminalAutism @ryo I am still waiting for the day when people realize that the profit motive is THE problem. The FSF has invited capitalists into the movement (e.g they are a partner for Mozilla), and we are supposed to be surprised that everything is going to shit? If profit (and not software quality) is the motive, are you surprised that software quality goes down and the things that give profit go up? FSF might be controlled opposition in this way, if they ignore the most important issue (or even pretend that making profit with FOSS is all clear). If you invite the capitalist parasites, of course they will take over. We need a parasite cleanse, getting rid of the capitalists, and fix not just the FOSS movement, but the whole world.
@digdeeper @TerminalAutism In principle, capitalism is quality = profit.
So if you make good stuff, you get paid for how much it's worth.
But if your stuff is shit, you'll be kicked off the market.
But since your average consoomer is retarded and they know it, they can pull this soycialist fake "capitalism" of "profit first, quality is an after thought".
Just look at Crapple for example, even if they'd literally made 💩 and put an :kangaeruapple: logo on it, it'd still sell like hot cakes.

In the case of organizations like the FSF, that's indeed something that should have been run by people with lots of free time (or on the side).
Investors is what always destroys good initiatives, good businesses, good groups of people, good everything.
Capitalism (freelancers, small businesses, and independent entrepreneurs) isn't the problem, the investors are what's making capitalists into a problem (massive bloated corporations, and government bootlickers).
@digdeeper @TerminalAutism Once companies get investor money, they are no longer going to give a fuck about the customers, because whether they make good stuff or not, they'll get their profits regardless.
So if we get rid of the investors, which is really the parasite that destroys economies in the first place, you can easily make a world a better place without having to resort to stealing money from everybody else (soycialism) or slavery + sucking the poor dry to enrich the rich (communism).

I recommend you take a look at the documentary called "Monopoly", I think you'll get to the same conclusion after seeing that.
I actually lived in times where quality really mattered in order to make a profit, even though I was still a child at that time.
@ryo @TerminalAutism @digdeeper
Investors means government? Yeah definitely Google, M$ so on will be serving high quality services and do no evil things if there wasn't any government involved. Remove government and everything solves! Happy world.

@udon @TerminalAutism @digdeeper @ryo Google started out as a CIA project. Facebook started out as a DARPA project (look up LifeLog). Microsoft got it's power thanks to intellectual "property" laws (which wouldn't exist in real capitalism). Big Tech is a government creation.

@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @digdeeper @ryo
Yes and then? Government are not bad just because of the label "government". They are also not god-sents and they are just mortals. What I wanted to say is anyone that got powerful enough will effectively become that government that we *ists hate so much. It does not matter what *ism is (that the government declared), but people always promote that some system (be it communism, ancap, ...) magically solves the problem. I am going to be rude but I think the *ism promoters are likely either just government/big-tech-wannabe (which is understandable and legit, but they are not honest to admit) or blind followers.
@udon @xianc78 @digdeeper @ryo In the end, it's all about distribution of power, and restrictions on those that have too much of it, to bring them down to an acceptable level. Another part of the problem is that generally, the only people that want power are the worst people. So my suggestion is to create a system where having any power requires enormous personal sacrifices and basically being a slave. It should be as unappealing to greedy people as possible.
@TerminalAutism @udon @ryo @xianc78

Yes, so we come back to the issue of money giving someone infinite power. Seriously, can you tell me of a way to have a system where power is limited, but money exists? Since money allows you influence anything in all possible ways, including getting people to do whatever you want since money is required for survival. I can direct this question to any ancap that's lurking here, as well.
@digdeeper @TerminalAutism @udon @xianc78 The money is fiat currencies rather.
Anything that can be printed up endlessly is going to lead to a power grab eventually.
The white pill would be that the bigger the power grab, the bigger the push back, and the bigger the push back, the quicker the collapse.

@ryo @TerminalAutism @digdeeper @udon People don't realize that anything can be used as a money. The ideal ancap society would probably use something like gold or silver (which cannot be created unless you can add/remove protons from atoms) for money or just use simple bartering in some cases. There will probably be parallel markets, each accepting their own money.

Money is just an extension of the barter system which seems to be innate within humans. Even primates barter food for services like picking lice.

And before anyone brings up "primitive communism" nonsense, hunter-gather societies didn't distribute goods "in each according to his need". Food was distributed on a borrowing or lending basis. Food was given only to those who would do something in return. People who worked more often earned more food and had more priority. So yeah, it was basically a barter system. They even bartered with other tribes.

@xianc78 @ryo @digdeeper @udon I disagree. I used to be for a gold standard, but I changed my mind. It's a horrible idea. Think about it. Who would have the power? The people that own all the gold. So, the people that already own the world. Silver is a little better, but still, similar problem. Maybe we should just use rounds of ammo, that could be a good currency!

@TerminalAutism @digdeeper @ryo @udon
>Maybe we should just use rounds of ammo, that could be a good currency!

My Dad told me I should invest in lead because people would be manufacturing bullets when the economy collapses.

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@xianc78 @digdeeper @ryo @udon That is a smart idea. When things are not going well, there are certain resources that become more valuable, and lead should be one of them.

But yeah, I do think that something like ammo could be a good option, as long as it's worth what it's actually worth, and not some arbitrary value, and as long as anyone can manufacture it. Inflation would be limited by the manufacturing cost, and at some point making more of it simply wouldn't be worth it. There may be some horrible flaws with that idea, though. I would have to think about it a lot more.

Using certain foods, rice was used in the past, could also work, because anyone can grow it, but if it's too abundant and loses too much value, people won't grow as much of it and will also consume more. So, inflation is actually quite difficult. The problem with doing that nowadays is obvious, though, like needing a truckload of rice to pay for anything.

Honestly, I think fiat can work, if done correctly. First of all, get rid of fractional reserve banking, and of the "Federal Reserve". Here is an idea that I had one day and saved:

"I had an idea in the shower today, though, that could eliminate all government debt AND inflation. And the idea was… print enough money to pay all the debt, and then implement a tax for banks that scales with inflation. The higher the inflation, the bigger the tax. And the money collected from that tax is destroyed. When it gets to 0% inflation, then the tax will be 0%. That will force the banks to keep inflation low and to not lend too much. Oh, and ban fractional reserve banking. So, they can only lend what they actually have. No more. No creating money from nothing. If done right, this would pay off all the debt, and it would reduce the inflation to zero. Well, if I'm right, at least."

The Jew hates this idea.
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