Lethal injections in a nutshell:
Left: "the lethal injections are safe and effective, anyone who's not poisoned 4 times or more will have their basic human rights taken away."
Center and right: "the lethal injections are absolutely dangerous, avoid it at any cost!"
Nobody except for me: "they're making trillions in profits by poisoning you and making you permanently dependent on the hell care soystem."

To put it differently, somebody put an elephant in the room.
The left would go like "Oh, how cute! We have to feed it.", while the center and the right would go like "That elephant is absolutely dangerous, it's going to kill us all.".
Meanwhile, I would go like "Why the fuck is there an elephant in this room to begin with? And how the fuck did it even fit through the front door?".

@ryo It still doesn't change the fact that depopulation is the end game, even if the jabs aren't part of it. I think when the elites are ready for depopulation, they will admit it out right. The population would be so cucked that they would line up to be euthanized "for the greater good".

I can see it now. "Get euthanized for climate!"

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@xianc78 Depopulation can only happen when people consent to it (whether tricked or honest).
Luckily, it seems like quite a lot of people started to realize that they're basically in a slaughterhouse.
Sadly, even though there's a massive hole in the wall where they can escape that slaughterhouse by simply walking out of it, they choose to wait for a savior to get them out of there for them.
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