Exactly as I suspected since 2019 already, it seems like the Pokemon anime is finally coming to an end completely, so no more new episodes, just video gaymes and trading cards now.

11/11 #132「Final Ⅳ 『Companion』」
11/18「Pocket Monsters: Koko」 (movie re-run)
11/25 #133「Project Mew」
12/2 #134「Get the future!」
12/9 #135「Pokemon! It was a pleasure to have met you!」
@ryo It's ending? What a weird feeling. Its one of those shows that I expected to last forever. Of course, it should have ended a long time ago, they should have just made multiple shows with real stories and actual endings, but at this point it's weird to image it not being around. And the Pokemon games suck ass, so it really feels like the death of a franchise that I never expected to die so early. Or ever, really. It's like if Nintendo ended the Mario franchise, or something like that. It was one of those franchises that I expected to be an ever-present constant in the world until possibly after my death.
@TerminalAutism At least this opens up the opportunity to make indie spiritual successors without having to worry about Nintendo's legion of loyers suing you black and blue.
@ryo I would bet money on them just suing people anyway. It wouldn't be the first case. Plenty of Japanese companies are known for preferring their franchises to be dead and forgotten than for fans to do anything with them, even just post videos of gameplay online. Nintendo would totally be one of those, they are the absolute worst.
@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @ryo It can, though, depending on how closely it follows in the footsteps of the original.
@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @ryo That said, on the subject of pokemon stuff, I don't think any new IP inspired by pokemon has actually been sued, dmca's, c&d'd, etc; as far as I've seen, only actual pokemon fangames and romhacks have been.

@Alex @ryo @TerminalAutism The only game I know of that Nintendo sued for being too similar was The Great Giana Sisters which was a Super Mario Bros clone for home computers and that one Fire Emblem clone for the PS1 after the original creator left Intelligent Systems. AFAIK, you can't copyright or patent a game's design. So, you can have 100% identical gameplay as long as you have a different characters, setting, story, etc which the vast majority of spiritual successors do.

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