@ryo ZeroNet doesn't use blockchain outside of .bit domains which are optional and are part of the NameCoin project. ZeroNet is mostly powered by BitTorrent. IPFS doesn't use blockchain either, but a lot of blockchain projects use it because storing files on the blockchain itself is inefficient.
And ZeroNet is basically dead at this point. It hasn't been updated since 2019, probably because the creator got demotivated after the failed 8chan bunker where users had their IPs leaked because they weren't using Tor or a VPN. There are forks but I don't see them going anywhere. I imagine that it would be even deader at that point.
I'd like to see the Dat/Hypercore protocol get used more since the idea of using a VCS to host P2P content is quite interesting, but the Beaker Browser (which is used to view sites on Hypercore) also seems to be dead. They couldn't even get dynamic sites implemented outside of chatrooms for each site.