Exactly as I suspected since 2019 already, it seems like the Pokemon anime is finally coming to an end completely, so no more new episodes, just video gaymes and trading cards now.

11/11 #132「Final Ⅳ 『Companion』」
11/18「Pocket Monsters: Koko」 (movie re-run)
11/25 #133「Project Mew」
12/2 #134「Get the future!」
12/9 #135「Pokemon! It was a pleasure to have met you!」
@ryo It's ending? What a weird feeling. Its one of those shows that I expected to last forever. Of course, it should have ended a long time ago, they should have just made multiple shows with real stories and actual endings, but at this point it's weird to image it not being around. And the Pokemon games suck ass, so it really feels like the death of a franchise that I never expected to die so early. Or ever, really. It's like if Nintendo ended the Mario franchise, or something like that. It was one of those franchises that I expected to be an ever-present constant in the world until possibly after my death.
@TerminalAutism At least this opens up the opportunity to make indie spiritual successors without having to worry about Nintendo's legion of loyers suing you black and blue.
@ryo I would bet money on them just suing people anyway. It wouldn't be the first case. Plenty of Japanese companies are known for preferring their franchises to be dead and forgotten than for fans to do anything with them, even just post videos of gameplay online. Nintendo would totally be one of those, they are the absolute worst.
@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @ryo It can, though, depending on how closely it follows in the footsteps of the original.
@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @ryo That said, on the subject of pokemon stuff, I don't think any new IP inspired by pokemon has actually been sued, dmca's, c&d'd, etc; as far as I've seen, only actual pokemon fangames and romhacks have been.
@Alex @xianc78 @TerminalAutism Fan games more so than ROM hacks.
Even back when I was lurking around on ROM hacking communities (mostly Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario 64 DS, and several Pokemon focused ones), even the people active on these noticed how Nintendo was swinging their lawsuit hammer like a motherfucker against fan games, piracy sites, JewTubers, flash cards, modchips, custom firmwares, and even emulators, but they've left ROM hackers alone for some weird reason.

@ryo @TerminalAutism @Alex A lot of ROM hacks uses patches which makes them somewhat less copyright infringing. At that point, it would be no different than a mod for a PC game.

Nintendo also doesn't seem to care about fan translations like the Mother 3 fan translation. I guess they feel like since it's unlikely that game will get a localization anytime soon that taking it down would be a dick move.

They have also turned a blind eye to anything related to the Satellaview, but that's probably because it is literally impossible to get those games anywhere else and what is left of many of those games are incomplete since a lot of them were meant to be played along with an audio broadcast (though for the BS Zelda games, the audio has been recently re-dubbed thanks to a custom SNES chip, the MSU-1 which allows MP3 quality audio on the SNES).

And recently, you have decomps, disassemblies, and PC ports. Those generally require the original ROMs just to extract the assets, and decompiled code does not count as original source code in legal terms. A lot of replacement engines for PC games pretty much do the same thing for the same reason. So, Nintendo can't do much about those.

@xianc78 @ryo @Alex I should look more into those PC ports. I only know about the Super Mario 64 one. Really cool that this is possible.

@TerminalAutism @ryo @Alex OOT recently got one (Open Ocarina). A Link to the Past also got one but not many people are talking about it. That one was made by taking a disassembly and writing corresponding C code (because the original was written in Assembly which is not portable). It's a native port but the game's audio is emulated.



Pretty much the entire N64's first party library is getting decomps, but SM64 and OOT are the only ones that have PC ports so far. Outside of the N64, Melee appears to have a decomp, but it seems like they're just getting started last time I've checked.

I'm not a Sony fan but I think some Jak and Daxter game recently got decompiled and ported to PC. That was is special because apparently, Naughty Dog wrote their games in their own custom LISP dialect.

Disassemblies have been around for a while. They are often used in ROM hacking but 1:1 decomps are more recent. I'm not that familiar with decompilers but I think they have improved so much over the years. Plus, these games have been analyzed by speedrunners and ROM hackers that navigating the decompiled code (before renaming the variables/functions/etc to something readable) shouldn't be that hard.

@xianc78 @ryo @Alex Yeah, I know about Naughty Dog using Lisp (that would not be surprising if you could see Emacs running a Sly REPL with Steel Bank Common Lisp on my screen right now). Sony forced them to stop and to do things like everyone else, by the way, from what I remember. Corporation being a corporation.

I have already played those games, but I should check them out on PC anyway. Not like that stopped be from trying OpenMW, even though I already played Morrowind. And actually, I'm pretty sure Super Captain Falcon 64 is for PC, and I do want to play that.

It would be fantastic if that happened to more GameCube games, though. F-Zero GX and Super Monkey Ball on PC would be very nice for me because I don't have an actual GameCube, I have a Wii, and I don't play it very much these days because it's a huge pain the ass, because of the fucking motion-controlled menus. And having to remove the batteries from the Wiimote every time because it drains them even while it's off. Those are some of the best games ever made, so having them run natively on PC would be very nice.

@TerminalAutism @ryo @Alex
>Sony forced them to stop and to do things like everyone else, by the way, from what I remember.

I think Sony forced them to stop because other third-party devs were accusing Sony of giving Naughty Dog access to hidden APIs or a more expansive SDK.

>And actually, I'm pretty sure Super Captain Falcon 64 is for PC

It's not. It's a hack for the original N64 game.

>It would be fantastic if that happened to more GameCube games, though. F-Zero GX and Super Monkey Ball on PC would be very nice for me because I don't have an actual GameCube

Super Mario Sunshine also has a decomp but they have only made a disassembly so far.


Wind Waker also has a decomp project but they are doing a more top-down approach, as in they are not aiming for binary equivalence. So it's more of a rewrite of the original engine, much like OpenMW.


I think GameCube might be harder because a lot of developers moved from C to C++ during that era. C compiles beautifully into Assembly. I think C++, with its addition to classes probably makes thinks a little bit more complex. I could be wrong though because I only have a basic understanding of the compilation process and I don't know how classes are compiled.

But if you want to see something really cool, BoTW apparently has a decomp project going on right now. But they don't even provide a way to even extract the assets to compile it. The project claims it's mostly for glitch hunting, at least for right now. I guess Nintendo wouldn't take kindly to it even if it does fall under fair use.


@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @Alex Apparently, many of the more recent 1st and 2nd party Switch gaymes are made in Unity.
I noticed that while extracting ASSets in Yuzu multiple times before.
Hell, Pokemon BDSP was made in Unity, they started in pure ASSembly for the first 2 generations, then went to C, then C++, and ended up in Unity now...

@ryo @TerminalAutism @Alex
GameFreak was always notable for having shit programmers. Pokemon would've been dead after the first generation if it weren't for the many times Iwata save them. Iwata was the only reason why the first gen games made it overseas because the programmers couldn't make a text system that works in all languages. GameFreak using Unity now doesn't surprise me.

I remember hearing that Nintendo's programmers are required to know Unreal now. The most recent Yoshi game uses Unreal. I don't know why they would use Unity instead. Maybe they despise Tencent.

Unity seems to have become the standard game engine for Japanese gamedevs even in AAA games. I watched this "day in the life of a Japanese game programmer" video and during the brief parts where you can actually see source code on his computer screen, you can clearly tell it's C#. The guys works at Bandai Namco by the way.


BoTW was made in it's own engine though (the decomp proves it), but granted that game was in development since at least 2012 and even then, I don't know if Unity can handle a game like that.

@xianc78 @ryo @Alex
Yeah, Gen 1 really displays how new they were to the whole programming thing. The games are so glitchy that the glitches became a game within a game and you can even rewrite the game in memory using them.

And I'm pretty out-of-touch with the current absolute state of gaming, but I can imagine how bad it is. I don't pay attention to game releases at all these days, I only hear about some releases because of the videos that I watch, and that's pretty much just Pokemon and Shin Megami Tensei, I don't watch much gaming stuff other than that, and also old videos.

Not surprised that they don't mind using Chink shit, though. Japan is just a few steps away from being China anyway, and the resistance to the Chinese takeover is a small minority and I bet it's getting smaller. Soon it will be to China what Hawaii is to the US. "That island over there that we own". That's if they don't decide to blow it up just for the fun of it. But that's not very profitable, so maybe not. Pretty sure that there is some old document that says that after the depopulation is over, most of the people around should be Chinese and Japanese because they make for good obedient slaves.

@TerminalAutism @ryo @Alex
>Pretty sure that there is some old document that says that after the depopulation is over, most of the people around should be Chinese and Japanese because they make for good obedient slaves.

I know what you are talking about. People kept on claiming that's from one of Klaus Schwab's books, but it's not. It's from some unrelated book.

And I wouldn't say that there is a Chinese take over because as we all know, China along with every other country on Earth is controlled by the same elites.

@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @Alex The one problem I always keep having with the whole so-called "truth movement" is that they are more concerned about hand signals, numbers, and triangles, and then they just use mainstream media articles that are well known for spreading misinformation, or photos or videos from people that could have been faked in a way, and use it as a gospel and turn it into "this is proof that we're living in the end of times".

@ryo @TerminalAutism @Alex They made it especially difficult to find actual information about the COVID jabs.

The worst example is probably that Deagel website. That site has nothing to back up its population forecasts. Yet, people use it as proof that we are going to see a mass depopulation in less than 3 years. People say that it has a connection with Edwin A Deagle, but that's wrong (note the spelling between the site and the person). I don't know where this site comes from. I could probably get any military personal and ask if they have ever worked with some Deagel company and I bet none of them would have any clue.

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@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @Alex I looked at Deagel before, seems more like it was made by some weapon otaku (no, this doesn't mean a military weapon anime weeb, it just means someone who's a huge fan of military grade weapons), and simply provides deep details about those.

Similar to all the train otaku's over here who know everything about trains, on which exact stations they stop, the differences between local, rapid, special rapid, commuter rapid, semi-rapid, semi-express, express, and so on, they know every single railway company, at which exact station you can change to which exact lines, every single train model that existed since the Meiji restoration etc.

I could never understand how this somehow got turned into "this is the Freemasons telling you that they're depopulating the world", just because it used to list that the USSA would lose 75% of the population, even though the disclaimer literally told that it doesn't necessarily mean that people are dying, it might as well be a result of a mass migration.
This especially makes sense if you consider how many 3rd world countries tend to get population increases, which immediately makes the whole depopulation claims fall apart.

As for the covAIDS injections, I simply concluded that there's just no true information available at all.
Everyone has a certain agenda with it, whether it be "safe and effective" or "depopulation and total enslavement" or "microchipping everybody".
In the end if you notice how they do the same stuff at every turn of the decade, it becomes obvious that the truth most likely lies somewhere in the middle.
@ryo @xianc78 @Alex It's not microchipping, it's nanochipping. All the shit that has been seen in the shots is in a microscopic scale. Pretty early on, I saw people looking at blood under the microscope and the blood cells were fucked, and there were weird structures all over the place.

@ryo @TerminalAutism @Alex The site said something about mass suicides occurring as a result of the economic collapse and violent civil wars occurring as countries become more unstable, leading to even more deaths. They've been making the same depopulation prediction since 2014.

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