Life tip: if you're at the store, and you see 1 box of yakitori with 8 skewers for 980 yen, and you see 3 boxes of yakitori with 3 skewers each for 298 yen each, if you do the math then 3 boxes of 3 skewers is without a doubt cheaper.

@ryo Life tip that will help nobody here. I don't even know what yakitori is.

@xianc78 Yakitori is chicken on a skewer.

It will help if you replace "yakitori" for whatever other food you can buy that has similar options.
For example, McNuggets.
You can buy 1 big box or multiple smaller boxes, consider the amount of nuggets you get in each one of them, and calculate how much you'll be paying.

As an American, that is the most insulting equivalent you could make, but I don't blame you.

@xianc78 I don't get it.
Japan is famous for sushi all over the world, all the faraway places make up their own versions of it, and I don't feel insulted by it at all.

@ryo No it's the fat American stereotype. I really do hate that we have an obesity epidemic here and fast-food is something I would love to completely cut off from my life outside of road-trips and emergencies.

>all the faraway places make up their own versions of it, and I don't feel insulted by it at all.

Not everyone has the same type of fish that's why. Ramen is also very popular here, but it's the type of food that you eat if you're broke or bad at cooking.

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@xianc78 @ryo

They were made fat on purpose

a Fit strong healthy male with the right information is a threat

@xianc78 The type of fish isn't really the point.
There already are quite a few differences in sushi between east Japan (関東, Kanto) and west Japan (関西, Kansai),
I remember going to a sushi restaurant in Poland with some friends over there, it's just not sushi at all, doesn't look like that, doesn't taste like that, even the rice is different.
Same shit when I went to another one in Belgium.
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