@Duine @xianc78 >Most importantly, join the Discord
>join the most cancerous platform for circlejerks of terminally online people and power tripping jannies

Real nerds would proudly document in autistic detail everything they could in that page and actually avoid too much direct contact with strangers. I don't know what happened to retro vidya communities, but they are in terrible state.
@deadheat @Duine @xianc78 troons ruin everything, this is why discord and its consequences were a disaster for the nerd communities
it gets so bad that some retards publish links to their mods and work and other shit to discord ONLY and never leave it anywhere else, like nigger i am not verifying my phone number AND pretending to be a faggy libtard just so i get let into the server and can download one fucking mod
@dia @deadheat @Duine @xianc78 discord is not a replacement for xmpp either!
neither is reddit a replacement for forums
at least reddit can be indexed by search engines and archived, good fucking luck with discord

@lina @deadheat @Duine @dia Were XMPP rooms ever popular? It seems like IRC was always the go to standard for multi-user chats. Hell, even back in the early 2010s, IRC was actually making a small comeback before Discord came around.

@xianc78 @lina @deadheat @Duine @dia XMPP rooms do exist, though for the most part it's used only by nerds and anonymity guru's.
This is great, but it also means 99% of these rooms will have an ancom-style atmosphere.

@ryo @deadheat @Duine @lina @dia I know, but they seem to be rarely used even compared to IRC.

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