Ukrainians: "our whole country is getting bombarded, what shall we do daddy government?"
Ukraina government: "I know! Let's go green, inclusive, and technology driven!"

@ryo Except it isn't the whole country. Even according to official sources, the whole war is only occurring in the Dombas region. Most of Ukraine is actually fine.

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@xianc78 Last time I heard somebody quoting official soyces, they said it was the entire country, including Kiev and everything else.
Although it makes sense considering that people literally in Ukraina couldn't find any war there, and Dombas has been the globohomo's personal playing field for decades now, and all they do to "start a war" is to just re-announce it on the fake news once every decade.

@ryo There has too be SOME fighting. Otherwise, I think the whole narrative would fall apart. Though a lot of photos look questionable. For example, a lot of photos from the Kiev missile attacks only show cars being destroyed while buildings remain intact.

@xianc78 Lots of video footage too, they all seem to have been recorded throughout the middle east when Barack Dronebomber was still the main puppet.
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