@ryo Now? Has been for a long time, that just makes it official. He pushed the shots too, like Richard Stallman. Hell, even from the fact that he's rich, that can be assumed. If someone makes over a million a year, their chance of being a decent person drops down to almost zero, if not actually zero. Hell, it's almost zero even making over 100k.

By the way, if Stallman saw this, he would seethe about how he's not the one there and how it doesn't say GNU/Linux. Those would be his only problems with it.

@TerminalAutism @ryo I wanted to see what Stallman thinks of the WEF and I found out that he has cited the WEF on his site before, namely how COVID has "undermined the fight against global heating".


@xianc78 @TerminalAutism When it comes to politics, Stallman-san is really an idiot.
That, the whole SoystemD situation, the bloatening of the kernel, the Rustification of everything (Tor, Linux kernel, and now even the Mesa drivers), among others is exactly what makes me consider moving away from Linux and going with BSD instead.

Though I do consider Linux distro's without SoystemD to be still OK for not having the Red Hat cancer in them, but still suffer from all the other problems.
So they basically fixed 1 problem, but still didn't consider fixing the other problems yet.
Only Hyperbola (both the GNU/Linux-libre and BSD versions) seems to be fixing lots of those problems, but again you'll probably need to have a fully libre hardware with 0 blobs in order to be able to use it.
@ryo @xianc78 @TerminalAutism I tried using FreeBSD had everything setup but I just couldn't figure out how to get trezor to connect using https://www.freshports.org/security/trezord/

@fluoride @TerminalAutism @ryo I only used TrueOS which was a fork of FreeBSD that was supposed to be the Ubuntu of the BSD world but it is now discontinued. I could only get it running on a VM though.

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@xianc78 @TerminalAutism @ryo fuck it I'll just stop being lazy and setup a jail and chroot into it but I might as well just use Artix or Void at that point.
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