This is why intelligent people don't rush to take unknown substances that can't be undone.
(Copy/pasting the entire article here + translation, because TV Asajew requires SoyScript.)

新型茶番毒チン接種後に死亡の26歳女性に一時金認定 基礎疾患なし
26 year old woman who died from the covAIDS lethal injection, and had no underlying health conditions, got a lump sum payment approved

A subcommitee of the Ministry of Death and Slavery has approved a lump sum payment for a 26 year old woman who died from the covAIDS lethal injection. It's the first time it got approved for someone in their 20s.

According to the Ministry of Death, the 26 year old woman who got the covAIDS lethal injection started getting "subarachnoid hemorrhage", and then died. She had no underlying health conditions.

A subcommittee of "experts" at the Ministry of Death on the 12th of December, due to the health situation created by the lethal injection, they confirmed the payment for the lump sum and funeral expenses cannot be denied.

It's for the first time such payment got approved for someone in their 20s.

Forthermore, the payment also got approved for 4 men and women who died between age 74 and 95 from the covAIDS lethal injection, so far such payment has been approved for a total of 15 people.

@ryo For a second, I thought the actual article said "Ministry of Death" and "covAIDS lethal injection".

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@xianc78 No, I simply replaced these words, both in English and Japanese.
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