@jeffcliff @xianc78 @fedipasta @sandman Stallman needs to stop reading the fucking news

For such a weirdo outlier that went to make the free software movement, he sure is regurgating the news verbatim

@coolboymew @fedipasta @sandman @jeffcliff If you go on the front page of his site, he urges people not to watch news coverage on COVID, but when you actually look at his "Political Notes" he is a huge COVID alarmist.

@coolboymew @fedipasta @sandman @jeffcliff I honestly lost all respect for him and even Linus Torvalds (he's partnered with the WEF now). Both of them are NWO shills. Politically, they are no better than Bill Gates. I even seen Stallman cite the WEF several times.

Kind of ironic that both Stallman and Gates want a reduction of the global population.

@xianc78 @coolboymew @fedipasta @sandman @jeffcliff have you ever seen how fat of a paycheck do corpos at LF hand torvalds these days?

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