Pretentious Year End Post 

2022 has been a year, for me, of what I would consider "necessary mistakes."
I've made some terrible decisions this year, that I had to put a significant amount of time and money into correcting, but I think I'm almost there.
2022 wasn't the worst year of my life, but it's been one of the most disappointing; partially because I tried to accomplish too much, too fast, and without proper panning.
Going into 2023 I have less lofty but much more realistic goals:
- I want to accomplish *something* every week. Doesn't need to be huge, doesn't need to change the world, it just needs to be some sort of tangible improvement to my or someone else's life.
- I want to end 2023 in a situation as good or better then I start it with. If, this time next year, I am in the same situation I'm in now (roof over my head, enough food to eat, enough money to live comfortably, etc.), I will consider that a victory.
- I only want to file ONE W2 for 2023, in other words I don't want to change jobs for the first year in my working life. I like my job okay right now, and I want to end 2023 with the same job, unless of course it goes out of business or gets significantly worse.
I think all of this is entirely do-able, and during this I want to set things in motion for 2024, which I plan to make the "changes" year.

At any rate, happy New Year Fedi, I hope your goals are achieved in 2023, no mater how great or modest they may be.
Keep on, keeping on.

Pretentious Year End Post 

@Indigo I pretty much have the same goals. Except I also have gamedev goals (especially since I switched from C#/MonoGame to C++/SFML) and I would like to try to be more self-sufficient as possible. My parents said that I can still use their backyard to grow food. And I want to support local businesses as much as possible. The fact that I got to know local farmers this year was a huge plus in my book.

re: Pretentious Year End Post 

@xianc78 Self-sustainability is a very good goal to have; good luck with your gamedev stuff by the way, I know it's something you're passionate about. Any incremental improvement is improvement in the right direction, if I've learned one thing from this year, it's that.

re: Pretentious Year End Post 

>good luck with your gamedev stuff by the way, I know it's something you're passionate about.

Thanks. I made a bunch of games back in high school (even though they really aren't good) but I had no time during college. I don't know how much time I would have in the future. Probably could just devote my weekends to it.

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