@ArdainianRight @RustyCrab It seems to be happening more often. I'm not saying that everyone who has taken the vaccine is going to get it, but there seems to be a connection.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight My friend and I have both known people personally who have developed life changing heart conditions shortly after getting the vax. It's a thing that's obviously real and there's just a tremendous propaganda campaign against it.

Are MOST people fine after the vax? Maybe, long term effects not withstanding. However, a very large percentage of them aren't and they are being demonized to hell and back for what boils down to greed.

Though most importantly, the thing doesn't even seem to work.
@RustyCrab @ArdainianRight @xianc78 my mom is still obsessed with getting more shots for herself after both getting COVID and then seeing on tv a football player collapse in her city tonight.

People will make copes after being scammed.

@PhenomX6 @ArdainianRight @RustyCrab I've even seen people claim that any possible effects on fertility would be a good thing because overpopulation and climate change. I even know someone who decided to get a vasectomy after getting vaccinated, no joke.

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